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About Us

For smaller companies D.A. Systems Solutions Inc. determines and assists with eliminating obstacles concerning their everyday business need. Our company is a provider of information ideas and solutions that offer world class graphic designs, secure management, web services, and cross-platform networking services, all supported by consulting and technical support. With our recent partnership with NOVELL we now offer additional services for existing and new clients.                                                                                                                                     Our company also provides a full staff of Web Designers. We develop web pages using standard HTML or Macromedia Flash. In addition we also provide Animation, E-commerce and video.  With our background and experience designing high-end Web sites your Internet presence will be second to none. 

For additional information or feed back please e-mail us at Or call us Toll Free: 1.888.400.9443

Our company provides the following services for your business needs:

Cinema quality graphics, design consultation.
Design for the entertainment graphics industry, animation.
Graphics, graphics design for company logo, internet graphics design.
Certified Novell engineers, CNE, UNIX support.
LINUX, UNIX, and design support.
Graphics design, Macromedia Flash, design Flash pages, Flash Animation.
Network, Network design, Network Engineers, Wide Area Network support.



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